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Rehab Solutions' experienced consultants can carry out medico-legal assessments to provide an independent assessment for plaintiff and defendant matters relating to public liability, compulsory third party and workers’ compensation common law.


Our medico-legal assessments provide sound evidence and recommendations from which to make informed decisions regarding compensation matters that may be upheld in a court of law.


Speak to our staff about organising an appointment today at our office in Fairfield or a home assessment anywhere in metropolitan Sydney.

Earning Capacity Assessments

Rehab Solutions' earning capacity assessment is a tool used to determine an individual’s current earning capacity, with the aim of establishing the economic loss sustained by an individual as a result of an injury.


For work related injuries, the earning capacity assessment (Section 40) is used to determine an injured worker’s current capacity to earn under Section 40 of NSW Workers’ Compensation Legislation.


The earning capacity assessment incorporates both components of a functional and vocational assessment to evaluate the individual’s functional and work capacity, transferable skills, aptitudes, overall work readiness and the current local labour market.

The goal of Rehab Solutions Australia’s earning capacity assessment is to provide an evidence-based assessment to determine the client’s current earning capacity and the loss of future income, to assist with settling economic loss.

Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Assessments

Activities of Daily Living (ADL) refers to daily self-care activities within an individual's place of residence, in outdoor environments, or both. A person’s ability or inability to perform ADLs is commonly used as a measurement of their functional status, particularly for people with disabilities and the elderly.


The goal of Rehab Solutions' medico-legal ADL assessment is to assess the effect of an injury on the abilities and limitations of the client in managing activities of daily living at home, and then make recommendations regarding the need for domestic assistance and home modifications to achieve a more independent lifestyle.

Psychological Assessments

Rehab Solutions' medico-legal psychological assessments are used to diagnose and provide an expert opinion on the level of dysfunction associated with that diagnosis as a result of a work-related injury or motor vehicle accident.


The assessment involves the review of the medical and social history and reports provided. A structured interview of the client is then conducted, including the administration, scoring and interpretation of relevant psychological scales.

Permanent Impairment Assessments

Rehab Solutions' visiting Pain and Rehabilitation specialists are experienced in conducting permanent impairment assessments for clients with work-related and motor vehicle accidents.


Under Workers’ Compensation, if a worker has a permanent impairment as a result of a workplace injury or illness, that person may be entitled to receive statutory permanent impairment compensation. This compensation can be made in the form of one or two lump sum payments, depending on the injured worker’s level of permanent impairment. These payments are for:

  • permanent impairment sustained as a result of a work-related injury or illness (section 66 of the Workers Compensation Act 1987).

  • pain and suffering arising from the impairment (section 67 of the Workers Compensation Act 1987).

Lump sum permanent impairment and pain and suffering payments are made in addition to other benefits available under workers compensation (for example, weekly payments, medical and rehabilitation costs etc).


Rehab Solutions

Fairfield Arcade
63-67 The Crescent

Fairfield, NSW 2165
(02) 9728 9988

Opening Hours

Monday -  Friday     8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday                 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

(excluding public holidays)

© 2024 Rehab Solutions

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